619.299.9996 / info@fivestar.net
3826 Sherman Street, San Diego, CA. 92110
Shipping Inquiries: 858.833.4037
3826 Sherman Street, San Diego, CA. 92110
Shipping Inquiries: 858.833.4037
Shipping Inquiries: 858.833.4037
Care, Quality and Commitment
Five Star offers shipping via Southwest Air Cargo, Alaska Cargo and UPS. Shipping prices vary according to location and choice of carrier. Shipping usually takes 2 weeks, but timing may vary depending on how busy the schedule is. Customers are responsible for all shipping charges. Shipping boxes cost $50.00 cash ($51.98 credit) per box and shipping fees start at $100 cash ($103.95 credit) and goes up.Our shipping phone number is 858-833-4037, all shipping correspondence should go through this phone number or by email.
Most shipping is C.O.D. FIVE STAR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE THAT MAY OCCUR DURING SHIPPING. If shipping to multiple locations, a handling fee of $50.00 cash ($51.98 credit) will be added
We accept all credit cards, personal checks, and cash. All credit card transactions include a 3.95% service fee.
We will store paid fish for up to 14 days. After 15 days, you will incur a $1 a day per tray storage fee. All unclaimed fish after 60 days become property of Five Star and will be donated to a charity of our choosing.
10am - 2pm June to November7pm to 10pm July to October - Fish Drop-Off by appointment ONLY
November to May - Call for appointment