619.299.9996 / info@fivestar.net
3826 Sherman Street, San Diego, CA. 92110
Shipping Inquiries: 858.833.4037
Shipping Inquiries: 858.833.4037
Care, Quality and Commitment
FAQ / Terminology
REFRIGERATED SALT WATER (RSW) FISH - Is kept below freezing in salt water holds aboard sportfishing boats. Although the fish is kept below freezing it does not actually freeze solid. RSW fish is placed in insulated slush bins to safeguard the exceptional quality. Most RSW fish can be processed the same day, usually within hours. RSW fish can be picked up or shipped fresh, it can also be frozen and picked up or shipped at a later date.
FROZEN FISH - Because it is frozen solid on the boat it is hardier and can be placed in regular bins to ready them for thawing. This frozen fish typically takes a day or so to thaw in or our massive walk-in refrigerator.
SUSHI CUT - The premier upper loin cut of the fish, ready for you to make sushi at home with out trying decide what piece to use or how to cut it properly.
Collar - This is the section just behind the head and gills. It is prized for grilling from both yellowtail and grouper. Please request these when you make your order.
Bellies - Tuna Bellies are the fatty pieces know as “toro” at sushi and are excellent as sushi or smoked. Tuna Bellies are included with your order.
Will I get the fish I caught?
Yes, your fish tag number is taken off your fish when it is being
filleted and it stays with your fish through the entire process. This
ensures that you are receiving your fish.
Do you offer same day service on Smoked and Jerky?
No, smoked and jerky takes 5-7 days for it to be ready.
Do you Sell fish?
No, Five Star does not wholesale or retail any product that enters
our facility. We are a processing only establishment.
How Long does it take to get my fish back?
If you make a reservation for same day service in advance we
should be able to get your fish back to you the same day, usually
by early afternoon. However there are a few days a year where so
many boats arrive at once that this is not possible for everyone to
get same day service so make your reservations early.
Can I watch the process?
Yes, we also have a viewing room so you can observe the entire
How much fish is in each package?
Typically your fish will be filleted and packaged in 1.5 pound
packs, enough for two people to eat a dinner. However we are
happy to accommodate your needs and commonly do 1 and 2
pound packs, sushi cuts and more just ask.
Is there a waiting room?
Yes, we have a nice waiting room with TV an Wifi as well as
drinks and snacks.
Yellowtail less than 15# 18%-25%
Yellowtail 15-45# 23-33%
Yellowtail greater than 45# 25-35%
Tuna less than 15# 20-30%
Tuna 15-45# 25-35%
Tuna greater than 45# 30-40%
Wahoo less than 15# 20-30%
Wahoo 15-45# 25-35%
Wahoo greater than 45# 30-40%
Yellowtail less than 15# 17-20%
Yellowtail 15-45# 20-23%
Yellowtail greater than 45# 23-25%
Tuna less than 15# 20-23%
Tuna 15-45# 23-30%
Tuna greater than 45# 25-35%
Wahoo less than 15# 20-23%
Wahoo 15-45# 23-30%
Wahoo greater than 45# 25-35#
Yellowtail less than 15# 10%
Yellowtail 15-45# 10-12%
Yellowtail greater than 45# 12-15%
Tuna less than 15# 10-12%
Tuna 15-45# 12-15%
Tuna greater than 45# 15%