619.299.9996 / info@fivestar.net
3826 Sherman Street, San Diego, CA. 92110
Shipping Inquiries: 858.833.4037
Shipping Inquiries: 858.833.4037
Care, Quality and Commitment
San Diego Long Range Fleet
Five Star will meet EVERY Sand Diego Long Range boat at the top of the dock or with dockside service year round. Long Range Fisherman choose Five Star for their processing services. We service Fishermen's Landing, Point Loma Sportfishing, and H&M Landing.
Local San Diego Sportfishing Fleet
Five Star will be on the dock for fishermen on any day or night we have 6 or more reservations that require processing. If we are not on the dock we will be open at our shop from 7p.m. to 10 p.m. for drop off service from July to November. This service is available for anyone fishing any boat. We will also will meet boats at New Seaforth with advance reservations, please call to arrange service.
Private Boaters
When ever possible we will meet private boaters with LARGE catches; marlin, swordfish, sharks, giant tuna etc. We will also accept whole fish and filets during normal business hours and during our night drop hours at the shop.
10am - 2pm June to NovemberEmail us for PM services
November to May - Call for appointment